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The Governor Budget Act

The Political Process is a political simulation game where you can explore a dynamic world of politics. Create a character, run for political office, write legislation, balance budgets. Policy's Supports increasing the minimum wage. Wants to Decrease the low-income tax rate. Wants to Maintain the middle-income tax rate. Wants to Increase the upper-income tax rate. Supports raising taxes and increasing spending. Opposes a flat income tax. Supports reducing income inequality. Opposes cutting food stamps to reduce expenditure. Supports providing government aid to the poor. Supports social security. Wants to Maintain military expenditure levels. Supports a universal basic income. Supports a tax on carbon emissions. Supports a wealth tax. Education Policy Supports free community college. Supports universal preschool. Supports raising teacher salaries. Opposes school choice. Supports free tuition for public colleges and universities. Gun and Crime Policy Supports stricter gun control laws. Supports universal background checks. Opposes deadly force (stand-your-ground) laws. Supports a ban on high-capacity magazines/clips for guns. Supports a ban on assault weapons. Supports legalizing the sale and recreational use of cannabis. Supports banning the sale of handguns. Supports banning the sale of guns to individuals with a mental illness. Supports creating a federal database to track gun sales. Opposes allowing individuals with concealed carry permits to carry concealed guns in more places. Opposes allowing teachers and staff to carry guns in schools. Opposes decreasing the waiting period to buy a gun. Opposes allowing concealed carry without a permit. Health Policy Supports universal health care. Supports Medicaid Expansion. Supports a single-payer health care program. Supports a public option for health insurance. Supports regulating prescription drug prices. Supports allowing people between the ages of 50 - 64 to purchase Medicare coverage. Supports prohibiting insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions.



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