Homeless Man Force To Lick Public Urinal To Avoid Arrest, Police Officer Admits

Happy Hump Day Welcome to the blog-page, we have a story coming from the social media network in this one is a "NASTY" one. A Honolulu police officer admitted forcing a homeless man to lick a public urinal to avoid arrest. The officer pleaded guilty. The officer was responding to a nuisance complaint and found a man in a bathroom stall, unwilling to cooperate, that when the man said he would do anything not to get arrested, so the officer said "If you lick the urinal you won't get arrested," according to social media network. The Officer was charged with conspiring to deny, the victim his civil rights.
Social Media Network has stated the officer was very remorseful, and took full responsibility for his action. Sentencing could land the officer in prison for up to 30 months, at this time the disgraced cop is on leave and will likely be terminated. Social Media Network is also saying that this same Honolulu officer, threatened another man with arrest if he didn't stick his head in the toilet. Shame on him.
Stay with the OmegaStudioNews/TalkShowTea for more info.