Meth Overdose Claims A Second Black Man in Ed Buck's Home

Happy Hump Day this story just in to the O.S.N/T.S.T has learned from Social Media Network that the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department who was called to Democratic donor Ed Bucks home to find a man by the name of Timothy Dean 55 died of an accidental drug over dose from methamphetamine back in January 2019. The news was revealed on Monday saying this is the second Black man to be found dead in his home. If you recall back in July 2017, 26 year old Gemmel Moore also died in his home from the powerful drug, social media has also learn that when both men was found Ed Buck was present at the time. Social Media is saying that Ed Buck is responsible for Moore death an needs to be charged, were it also say he might have provided the drugs in both cases, with Deans death it a renewed suspicions. Social Media is saying that Moore's mother Ms. LaTisha Nixon, filed a wrongful death against Buck. Stay with O.S.N/T.S.T for the latest in this matter.